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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Flying in the storm

I have been glued to my television watching the ripple effects from  the Charlottesville, VA incident. I really want to say murder because a beautiful young woman was killed. and yes, she is not the first beautiful young person killed in the battle between oppression and independence. Sadly, she is not and probably will not be the last.

When does it end? When do we recognize each other as equals? When does it go beyond skin color, religion, and gender? Or does it ever? Will there always be someone who is superior just because of some act of nature?

This is exhausting. It is exhausting for those of us who are not idly sitting on our hands keeping score. It is exhausting for those of us who choose to answer the tough questions when we are asked or strive to create a dialogue to end this renewed level of blatant hatred. I, myself do not like everyone. I will always respect that person because all humans deserve respect. That does not mean that I want to go shopping with you. (And for the record, the reason I do not like certain people has nothing to do with their skin color, religion, or gender. I just don't like their work ethics, behavior, or something like that).

Everyone please check your privilege. Your privilege to look away, to be silent, to remain uniformed, to do whatever it is that you can do without being questioned. We all don't have that luxury. Living our authentic selves is a right. No one should be forced to submit to a life of servitude to an almighty race. Life is hard enough as it is.

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