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Monday, November 3, 2014

Flying without landing, a re-post sort of

Since I don not have a lot of time on my hands, I find myself waiting until the latest possible moment to get things done. And sometimes, things do not get done and eventually I forget about them. 

I make excuses about why things are not getting done, but honestly I have no excuse. I could get things done if I really wanted to. I guess I don't want to. Some of the tasks are menial, some are time consuming, others just take too much time. But I have more time than I have money eventually I will do them. Eventually....

Volkan Olmez

I made a list this morning and promise to to do better. I promise to do better tomorrow or the next day!

The two rules of procrastination:  1) Do it today.  2) Tomorrow will be today tomorrow.  
~Author Unknown