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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flying in my magic box

My sister girlfriend Cookie is really into the Law of Attraction (LOA). She recommended that I read Ask & It is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther & Jerry Hicks. This book provides thorough teachings of the process of LOA, and how to stop standing in your own way of success or flying.

Taking a leap of faith I decided to do the exercise called the Magic Box. I took a beautiful hat box and wrote on the lid "Whatever is contained in this box - IS". Then I put the things that I desired in the box. I put quotes, pictures, articles, thoughts and items in it that represented what I would like to achieve in your life. There are no rules other than the items are things that you desire. The idea is, you get into a relaxing and optimistic state and simply look for these things cut them out and place them inside the box. As you place them inside the box, you say out loud: "Whatever is contained in this box - IS".

I am not willing to disclose what is in my box (yes, I put my THING in there), but I promise to let you know when those things happen. Check out the book. There are about 20 exercises to help you achieve success. Try one or try them all. It is all about the power of positive thinking. Who could not use more of that in her life?

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