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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Flying with Thursday's Wrod by Brenda Smith

Thursday's Word

Originally Posted

Owen Walters

SUDDENLY: Happening unexpectedly; changing all at once; brought about in a short time.

SCRIPTURE: And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But, He was asleep. (Matthew 8:24).

We are in a season of the unexpected where the events that are happening around us may seem abrupt and illogical. However I believe God is accelerating His end-time purposes to bring about a restoration of His glory on the earth before the return of His Son Jesus. We as Christians are experiencing things on a much deeper level than ever before. Our main priority is to learn to trust in the Word of God like we have never had to in the past. We are to be tuned in, be vigilant, be prepared, be ready, and be expectant. WE have to respond to the storms in our lives when we least expect them. We sometimes think Jesus is asleep…but remember…He is a Lord who never sleeps nor slumbers. He is ever vigilant, prepared, and ready to act in our lives in the blink of an eye.

We will from time to time get demands on our anointings and miracles will happen when we least expect them.  Hallelujah!!!!!  -And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.  God is trying to bring us from behind. We have gifts and anointings that we are not using to our potential. He knows what each of us is capable of doing, and He needs us to start using them. Let us stop shrinking back and hiding behind excuses, people, and work. God’s kingdom will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Lord is doing a new thing on the earth and it takes a prophetic generation to ride the wave of the Spirit – let’s be part of the movement!

Welcome trials, they’re stepping stones to perfection (James 1:3)

- No test, no testimony

- Earn Stars through scars

- Make sure Jesus is in your boat