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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Flying at almost 55

Saturday I will be 55 years old. I heard that is a milestone birthday. Aren't they all? I think so. Every new years marks the movement forward. Or at the very least movement. Maybe it is simply waking up and moving your toes, legs, fingers, opening your eyes, clapping your hands, or tasting buttercream frosting on a cupcake.

Movement is important for the body, mind, and soul. I think especially for the soul. Being cooped up somewhere makes me want to jump up and down. And jumping up and down is not a part of my regular routine. Every few minutes or so I get up from my desk and walk around outside aimlessly. Yes, it helps me get my goal of 10,000 steps for the day. But more importantly it cleanses my soul. It allows the stress and other gunky junk to dissipate into nothingness. And it stays nothingness until I gather it all back up again (which for some reason I almost always do).

Anyway, I plan to quietly celebrate this day by deeply breathing and inhaling the blessings that surround me. I will look forward to stilling most of the moving parts within my life. Not all because where is the fun in that? So happy birthday to me and on to the next milestone.