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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Flying and asking

Edgaras Maselskis

I have been brought up to be fiercely independent. That has served me well, but I am finding that there are times when I need to ask for help. That is difficult. I don't mind helping others. Yet there is a disconnect when I am the one in need. I am getting better but it is still really hard. 

Sometimes it is hard because I am not always exactly sure what it is that I need. I know that sounds crazy but it is true. There are times when I am at a lost of what to do. I feel incredibly foolish calling someone saying, "I need help. I don't know what I need, I just that I need something". 

AND that is precisely what I should be doing. I do not have all of the answers. I should not have all of the answers. I just need to have faith that I will be led to the right answers or that they will come to me. I just have to keep putting it out there. 

And I must accept the help wherever it comes from as long as it does not put me at someone's mercy. Or put me in harm's way. Or make me an accomplice to a crime. Help is often just a request away. Don't allow ego or pride to get in your way. Just ask. 

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