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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Flying while accelerating with Brenda Smith

ACCELERATE – To cause faster or greater activity, development, progress, advancement. To reduce the time required for by eliminating detail. To increase in speed, or to develop faster.

If you have experienced delay in any area of your life, be it spiritually, financially, martially, professionally, physically, emotionally, etc; expect to receive everything back in full measure. All that belongs to you by destiny is coming back to you with compound interest. In the next seven months, expect supernatural speed, divine acceleration and surprises!!!! Don’t make the mistake of measuring your future by your past. God works in seasons and there is nothing you can do to make something happen outside of its season. We are now entering a new season.

In preparation for the new level, begin to dream in bigger dimensions, trusting God to be the one who will fulfill His Word. Don’t short-change yourself. Dare to dream big. God will not ask you to do what He does not have the capacity to make happen. Stake your reputation on God and His Word. Think possibilities, think miracles in Jesus name. Reflect on the impossible feats God performed in the lives of Joseph, Hannah, David, Abraham, Sarah and you. I am sure there have been some impossible things that the Lord has personally brought you through. As you look back, you are wondering how you made it over. Lord, “How did I get over that?!!” You did because you are a child of Jesus Christ, who has already overcome the world. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33.

In this season of prosperity this is not supposed to be fuelled by greed or to be used to oppress people, but rather use your wealth to empower people, to rebuild cities, to rebuild churches, broken lives, to help alleviate the pain of those who are suffering around us. God is going to use you to touch lives in dramatic ways as you become an agent of salvation, deliverance and restoration in people’s lives.

This is not the year to think that God will teach you lessons with bad experiences and events. These are the days of faith and not fear. What should have taken you 40 years to accomplish, God is going to do in a split second. You are coming into acceleration. Suddenly, a dream will come to pass. Suddenly, a promise will be fulfilled. Now get ready for the surpassing greatness of His favor! (Psalms 84:11).

May God continue to bless you is my prayer.

Brenda Smith

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