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Friday, September 5, 2008

Flying with pit bulls

It is true that Hanna is going to pass me by, but Ike looks fierce right now and who knows what Josephine and Karina will do in the next few days. So, I have many other things to think about and yet I have VP nominee Sarah Palin's joke"Do you know what the difference is between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick" stuck in my head from yesterday.

I just cannot figure out if it was a flattering thing to say or not. I mean, I get it. She wants everyone to know that she can go toe to toe with Joe Biden or any other opponent. I am just not sure why this has me baffled. Maybe because I expected more from her. While I am not convinced that any candidate will be able to accomplish the lists of promises they made before the election, I just do not feel drawn to her. McCain aside, I wanted to like her. I wanted to feel a sense of pride because finally, a woman has been chosen as a serious contender. I thought she was poised, but found her speech a bit mean spirited. I just wanted to hear more. I wanted to hear more before I get blasted by all the tabloid fodder that is definitely headed her way.

Maybe it is the anology of the pit bull that has me frazzled. I just cannot think of one good reason to compare myself to a dog. And if I did it would not be a pit bull. Aren't those are the dogs that keep turning on their owners and mauling children?

Yes, I will get over this latest obsession. I need to focus on the issues. Both parties still have plenty of time to say more ridiculous things. I honestly hope that people take the time to really pay attention to the candidates. As much as I would love to see a woman in the White House, this is not the woman for me. I respect those who see it differently than I do. I just want the right person to win and that cannot happen if the masses do not vote.


Pam said...

The problem I have with this entire national convention process is that we do not really get to know the candidates nor their stand on issues. Everything they say is scripted and one minor slip can be disastrous so they are strongly discouraged from any ad lib and showing their individual personalities. It's mostly spin and we'll never really know. I suppose that's why most people vote for the party, not the person. Who really knows the person? I want very much to make an informed decision, I just don't trust the sources of information...and the candidates themselves are mouthpieces. And I do not mean that in an unkind way, it is simply the result of intense media scrutiny. Politics is a tough business and I applaud our four pres and vp candidates for bravely accepting the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Hanna changed paths and just might clip us! None of the trains are moving and I will be tight for raw materials this weekend.

I agree that we never really get to know the candidates. We also never know their true potential until they get in the White House. I always thought it was very hypocritical to trash your opponent and then if you lose, to turn around and praise him/her. This has turned into a bashing session instead focusing on the issues. I am proud that Obama did not say anything negative about Palin's teenage daughter being pregnant. That spoke volumes to me. But, I am tired of the personal attacks. I want to hear about the issues.