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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Flying trusting God's timing with Michelle Cooper

My dear sistergirlfriend Michelle Cooper spoke on @strongchatlive  a new innovative way for women to discuss real issue, challenges, successes, tips +more! She will be discussing how our hopes, our dreams, our purpose, our destiny are directly tied to believing. 

Here are some of her favorite points:

  • Trust timing. Sometimes we have a vision or desire and we think it will happen one way, be flexible to the process of attaining the vision or dream but do not become doubtful because of delays or redirection. They are both tremendous gifts to the process. 
  • Believe that what you desire to see is worth the fight. 
  • Believe that all of the right pieces will fall into place.
  • Surround yourself with people that believe with you. Allow those that God desires to gravitate towards your purpose to come to you. Seeking out people own without His direction may cause unnecessary weight. 
  • To believe and soar in what we desire to attain requires us to have “light weight.” This does not mean that you ignore, or not have love and compassion for your friends, family and the issues that they face, it means that we do not allow those things to cause our mind to lose focus and become blinded because of everyone else’s issues.