I cannot express my feelings about today. I watched it not fully understanding the gravity of the event and had to fight back tears at 12 noon when Barack Obama became President Obama and no longer President-elect. The metro station near here was closed at 0330, so we were not granted the opportunity to be there in person. We all huddled around the television watching very moment. And then the moment came. I think we all realized at the same time what just happened.
We all understood that it is now time! The result of many years of struggle, blood, tears, and loss of limb and lives has brought us one step closer to equality for all. It is a huge step, but it is a step. Do not be fooled into thinking that the battle is over. True, we have come further than many thought possible today, but we have much further to go. It is a journey that we must make together, not in isolation or in segregation.
Today was a very historical event. Today a man who 60 years ago may not have been able to eat in certain restaurants and may have had problems voting took the helm of the largest nation in the free world. The free world. How amazing is that? This is what our fore bearers wanted for us. Not just for some of us, for all of us. The torch has been passed. It has been passed to each of us. It is the responsibility of each of us to be responsible, accountable, and honorable. It is the responsibility of each of us to do more, be more, and act more.
Today marks the beginning of the potential for brighter days ahead. It will not happen overnight or maybe not even this year. We must not give up hope. We must persevere. We must finally become The UNITED States of America. We must all hold our heads up high and proud because UNITED WE STAND...
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