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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flying high with the new POTUS

It is just after midnight here in Washington DC.

This is the end of a long historic day for our nation.

When Barack Hussein Obama raised his hand today at a little after noon today to take the oath of office of the Presidency of the United States, he elevated the hearts of so many in this country.

I was awed into quietude.
I had nothing to say.
Or I could not say what was in my heart, it was so full. It still is.

I wish so many loved ones of blessed memory could have been here to experience this with us.
However it is my belief that their thought, prayers, and actions all came together today in one man.

Today was, " full of the hope that the present has brought us..."

I believe in Barack Obama.

I believe he is going to do his best to keep his campaign promises.
I believe he wants to restore our standing on the world stage.
I believe he has the kind of intelligence that we need right now.
I believe all these things and more.

And I believe he will disappoint us from time to time.

He's a man. he's just one man, and as Doretha said earlier today, he will have the House and the Senate to deal with and the US Supreme Court to contend with, as well as a fickle American people.

So he will make us mad and disappoint us from time to time.

But today there is only joy in my heart, and a humble pride, that I had a teeny weeny small part to play in helping him become the 44th President of these United States, by working on his campaign.

So everyday I will send a prayer up to heaven for him his family and our country
It is the same prayer I pray daily for my children and extended family:

"May the light of God surround you;
Let the love of God enfold you;
The presence of God watch over you and;
The power of God protect you;
Wherever you are God is and that's the truth.

Aiming high with Presidential Anticipation,

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