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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Flying to not gain a ton during the holidays

I found these tips to help us not gain a ton of weight during the holidays. I have added my comments in red. These tips were taken from Helpful Holiday Hunger Hints
How to stay happy and healthy this season. By Kate Dailey for ExerciseTV at

Use smaller plates: you’ll trick yourself into eating less without feeling deprived. You can still fill your plate, but with fewer calories. There is scientific evidence that this work. I, however, am not sure. I think I would fill my plate twice since I knew it was smaller.

Pick the smarter sin: One slice of pumpkin pie has 316 calories, compared to 452 in a piece of pecan pie. Eggnog has twice the calories of spiced rum cider. Yes, but I hate pumpkin pie and eggnog is thick and creamy. This one will be tough. I might just skip the pies and drink the eggnog.

Be a good guest: Prepare a low-calorie hors d’oeuvres you can snack on without consuming too many calories. Shrimp cocktail, hummus and vegetables, and melon balls are all good choices. I agree with this one, except I did not follow it. I opted to take a platter of wings to a party. I plan to eat only a couple...surely someone else will bring the healthy stuff, right?

Don't decorate with food: You don’t have to fill the Christmas tree-shaped candy dishes with candy or nuts. Instead, fill them with red and green glass, pine cones or potpourri. I don't have Christmas tree-shaped candy dishes, so I can skip this one!

Alternate between naughty and nice: On the days before and after a big event try to eat light. Yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a dinner light on protein—with a few low-calorie snacks in between—will expand your calorie budget when you want to indulge. This could work. Actually this is one tip that I adhere to religiously.

Drink up: Have a glass of water after every cocktail. Not only will this cut down on the calories you consume from booze alone, it will keep you from getting too tipsy. This, in turn, will help you make smarter choices at the buffet table. I do this all of the time. I am not sure it helps me make better food choices. I do eat less because I keep running to the bathroom!

Don't forget to exercise: Okay, how do you FORGET to exercise? Either you do it or you don't. It is difficult to maintain a schedule when you are in a different location and with other people. The key is to not get frustrated when there isn't the time for your usual run. Get a pedometer and walk around the mall. Or do something else. The goal is to MOVE.