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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Flying while encouraging yourself in the Lord, pt. 1

Once again, my dear sistergirlfriend LaVondilyn Watson has offered some incredible words of encouragement that I just have to share with you. Please, please, please check out her website at and read more of her good words. This week we will hear words on how to encourage ourselves in the Lord.

She writes: Unfortunately, your life, just like mine, will be full of problems, pain  and persecution. We will face countless trials and tribulations over the course of our lifetimes-parents and friends will pass away, financial hardships will overwhelm us, children will live alternative lifestyles, marriages will struggle, jobs will come and go, our bodies will fail us...Life will not always be easy.

Be encouraged, my friend! Yes, problems will come, but Christ says in John 16:33: "In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." There's victory in Christ! GBU!