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Monday, September 8, 2008

Flying with Phenomenal Spirit

Some of you may be familiar with the Walker Phenomenal Spirit Award associated with the Center for Women, but it bears repeating. This is the brainchild of our most benevolent blogging hostess who has established a foundation to help women aged 35+ pursue a dream. What an incredible gift, giving generously to other women!

This is the second year for this award and the application process has begun with a grant award of $1000 and an October 31 deadline. Please spread the word and share this with women who may need a little extra funding to pursue or fulfill their dreams.

Let me introduce to you last year’s winner and share her beautiful story. Laurie had the dream of creating art in the form of fired glass. She needed a small kiln to launch this new business and to direct her creative energy into something profitable. Her story resonated with the foundation board and in short order, Laurie was on her way toward creating incredible glass art! This award does not simply end there. The recipient is asked to provide an in kind donation back to the Center for Women. This is the gift that keeps on giving. Laurie has recently delivered a few exquisite pieces of glass art to the Center and they will be auctioned at the Center’s 2008 Member Holiday party, one year after the celebratory congratulations of the award to Laurie! Since this is the second annual award, we hope that the new winner will be present at the Member Holiday party so all in attendance can witness the power of giving and the full cycle of this award. Isn’t this a beautiful story?

Please share the following link with women you may know who are eligible (35 and older) and may benefit from this award. Also, if you are inspired by the generosity of your benevolent blogging hostess, please contribute toward the future of this award so many more women can achieve their dreams. Thank you, Ms. Walker, for your phenomenal spirit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pam for your wonderful words and for sharing this. I am proud of this award and of Laurie. She was a great first recipient. I am excited that we can give out more money this year. I can hardly wait to read the applications. Hopefully we will have a webpage with a logo soon!