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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Flying with Thursday's Word with Brenda Smith

Thursday's Word
Stefanus Martanto Setyo Husodo

PRECIOUS means something of great value. Something not to be wasted or treated carelessly. A beloved person.

Have you done something wrong and you fear that God no longer loves you? Do you think because you have sinned that He no longer thinks of you as His?  God attitude toward His children even when we sin is “Fear not.”  Why the repentant sinner need not fear.

We, as children of God are direct creations of him, unique and loved. He says, “I have redeemed thee.” As the kinsman redeemer the Lord Jesus satisfied the demands of the Law that were held against us. He says. “I have called thee by thy name,” The Heavenly Father gives each child a special name because that child is significant to him. (Isaiah 45:4) He knows you by name and uses it to call you back to Himself. That “still small voice” you hear in your heart is His voice calling your name. He wants you to repent of your sin and come back to Him because you are His child.

You never have to fear God because the Father says…”Thou art mine.” He created you, and named you. You belong to Him. No power on earth can negate His love for you (Romans 8:35-39) You belong to Him and as proof, you bear the earnest mark of your salvation on your soul. That earnest mark is the Holy Spirit of God!  The fires of tribulation may come. The floods of trouble will try to overwhelm you, but you need not fear because the flame will not kindle upon you nor the flood waters overflow you because He goes with you through them.

Why are we held in such high regard by the Father that He would treat us with such grace and care? We may never know in this life, fully understand the answer, but we may cling to this truth. God loves us and we are precious in His sight (Isaiah 43:4) He is never pleased when we stray away from Him but when you hear Him calling your name you need not fear to repent and return to Him.

May God continue to bless you all is my prayer.

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