DEFINED: To make a debt. To defer a payment for a debt until payment is received.
SCRIPTURE: Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. (Genesis 2:1).
little girl was sitting on Santa’s lap. She gave him a whole list of
expensive toys which she wanted for Christmas and then without a word of
appreciation, she jumped off Santa’s lap and started toward her mother.
Her concerned mother spoke quickly, “Honey, haven’t you forgotten
something?” The little girl thought for a moment, then said, “O, yes,”
Then turning back toward Santa, she shouted, “Charge it!.”
work was finished in Christ. God completed His work of creation by
declaring it is finished. Jesus Christ did the same thing. When He
completed His work on earth—His atoning work on the cross, He cried, “It
is finished.” When Jesus said, “It is finished,” He declared that
everything necessary for salvation was complete. We can add nothing to
His finished work. He is the author and finisher of salvation. It is His
work, His grace, His love that saves us. And it was His sacrifice that
made it possible. It made it possible for us to not only be saved, but
to stay saved. For just like the fact that we can add nothing to His
finished work, we can take nothing away from His finished work. Just
like it is His work that saves us, it is His work that keeps us saved.
His grace keeps us saved. And His love keeps us saved. Philippians 1:6
says, “Being confident of
this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will
perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Jesus began a good work in
you. He is performing a good work in you. All because He has already
finished His work on the cross. He’s finished all the work that is
necessary. The work is finished. It’s finished in creation and it’s
finished in Christ. But not only was a work finished, a rest was
entered. The second parallel between the finished work of God in
creation and the finished work of Christ on the cross is that a rest was
did the hard part so we could rest from our cares, worries, labor,
stress, and strife. Let’s not be like the little girl….the work is
finished…let’s say…”Thank You!”
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