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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Flying with the knowledge that Tolerance Is Resistance to Love

A dear sistergirlfriend sent me an article called Tolerance Is Resistance to Love by Steve Pavlina. This is my favorite part:

When you fill your life with energies you must tolerate, you prevent yourself from attracting what you really want. The more incompatibilities you tolerate in your life, the fewer compatibilities you’ll be able to attract and enjoy. Keep this up for a few years, and you’ll be drowning in a life that feels totally wrong for you.

What bothers you about your life? What are you tolerating right now? I’d like to challenge you to stop tolerating your life. Either fully accept it, and love it as it is. Or kick out the incompatible parts to create the space for a life you’re able to love and accept completely.

Do you spend too many minutes, hours or longer accepting things that you do not want? Why? Is it out of fear that if you let them go, you will be left with nothing? Aren't there times when nothing is better than what you have? This year, take responsibility for de-cluttering your soul. Seek only the things that will bring you joy. Don't you deserve to be completely fulfilled and happy?

Read the rest here: